[ Due to the extremely sensitive and controversial nature of this document, we are urging everyone to encourage all you know to download a copy as quickly as possible as we may be forced to remove it from the site.]
On the 16th December 2010, Dounne provided the Queen with a compelling case study for the Government to OPT OUT of the EU Food Supplements Directive and appealed to her Majesty to honour her Coronation Oath to defend & protect UK laws and citizens. In explicit detail, it exposes secret agendas, corruption, exploitation and deception against UK citizens on a national and global scale implicating each political party. Based on factual evidence, the letter details the real dangers we will all face, if the EU Legislations becomes law in April 2011. To ensure all of our leaders are made fully aware of the serious implications and threat to our health, lives & livelihoods, a copy was also sent to Prince Charles, Prince William, the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Opposition Leaders; every member of both Houses of Parliament; UK MEPs; Regional Assemblies of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Greater London Authority. READ
MORE ..........................................................................................................................................
A step towards
greater access to natural Cancer In October 2010 Dounne Alexander submitted an indisputable document to the Law Commission for the reform of the Cancer Act 1939, to give Cancer sufferers access to both drug and natural treatments. The document also shines a light on a 71 year cancer-drugs scandal and the biggest medical failure to-date. As cancer now affects 1 in 2, it is essential to download, read and circulate.. READ
MORE ............................................................................................................................................... |
fully understand the true importance of this petition, please watch
'WE BECOME SILENT - 'The Last Days of Health Freedom'. Wonderfully.directed
by Kevin P. Miller and narrated by academy award winning actress Dame
Judi Dench. ...............................................................
The Hidden Truth" (1998)
shares contributions from Dr. Viera Scheibner (PhD researcher), medical
doctors, researchers and parents, explaining their personal experiences
on what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. ............................................................... SO YOU THINK NOTHING CAN HEAL CANCER? Guests
Dounne Alexander MBE (Founder), and Dr Robert Verkerk (Science Director
of The Alliance for Natural Health), expose the dangers of EU Directives
coming into force from 2011, which threatens to ban valuable natural
foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs, ancient traditions, plus take away
our Consumer Rights & Health Choice. This video also reveals why
many natural products and foods proven beneficial for cancer are being
banned... under the guise of 'consumer protection'.